I have often said that the commercial has it wrong. The Dos Equis man is not the world's most interesting man. Renowned coach and physiologist Dr. Jack Daniels is. A smoke jumper in college, Jack and his brothers lived in a rustic cabin to save money. It was so rustic Jack says, that if they wanted something to freeze during the Montana winters, they would just leave it on the table in the kitchen.
Winner of two Olympic medals in the modern pentathlon, Jack studied under some of the greatest exercise scientists the world has ever known. Perhaps one of his greatest achievements was when he sounded the alarm regarding the problem the altitude in Mexico City would present to sea level runners. With virtually no funding, Jack recruited and trained some of America's best in Alamosa, CO in 1967 and 1968. One of those athletes was my dad and in the summer of 1967, he broke two World Records.
The think I appreciate the most about Jack is that his principles are time tested. They aren't theory. They are applied science and as I tell the campers each year, even if one just applies part of the Daniels' Running Formula he (or she) will improve dramatically.
So here is Podcast #2 in our series, the Art of Running.