Are you a yo-yo?
Do you want to be a yo-yo?
A yo-yo gets its power and direction from the hand of a master.
A yo-yo is useless without the string being around the finger of a hand.
A yo-yo can do amazing things with a slight movement of the controlling hand.
Who is your Master?
Whose hand is guiding you?
How much time are you spending in that hand?
Can you see yourself being used by God?
How effective can you be as a Christian without spending time with God and in the Word of God?
I would like to compare the yo-yo to ourselves and the time spent in the Master’s hand with the wisdom and direction we need daily. Every time we go back to our Master's hand, we receive all that we need.
In order to be an effective Christian influencing the world for His Kingdom we require daily guidance, wisdom and encouragement. We need to be the yo-yo. God created you for this purpose.
Today, God is looking for ordinary, everyday believers like you and me to do His work on earth. We can do His work on earth by allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us in wisdom and work through us. As we use our skills and abilities to influence others for Him, we are advancing His Kingdom on earth. As we interact with those around us, we can share what and Who we know to be true. We can be the yo-yo.
I believe that we all want to make a positive impact on the world. We all want to do good. That is the unspoken goal of all of our lives. But who defines good? Who defines Truth? As Christians, we believe in a Sovereign God Who created all things, controls all things and defines all things. As believers we know all Truth is found in the Bible. We know that God speaks to us through His Word. Allow Him to speak to you and encourage you daily. Allow yourself to be the yo-yo.
As our eternal loving Father, God is actively, constantly calling all humanity to Himself. As we all live, we all seek love, wholeness, acceptance and forgiveness. We can allow the Holy Spirit to work through us to bring all those who need Him into His Kingdom; allowing them to receive the love, wholeness, acceptance and forgiveness they need. We can achieve the unspoken goal of our lives. Being effective for the Kingdom of God, I believe is being a daily yo-yo. And remember, The Master will always pull His loved ones upward!
Teresa of Avila, a 16th century nun, said, “Christ has no hands on earth but yours. No feet on earth but yours. No eyes of compassion on earth but yours. He has no body on earth but yours.”