Author: Catharine Ryun


Latest book recommendation: "Foster the Family"  Jamie C. Finn


Latest fav song: Egypt, CAIN & God is Good, Francesca Battistelli

Random fun fact: I beat President Bush in a 5K run 


Fav podcast: She Reads Truth: The Armour of God


Social: @cathryun

395 days. That’s how many days I have said yes to interrupted night sleeps, numerous doctors appointments, weekly visits to places to where I have been motivated to obtain my Concealed Carry license. 395 days of approximately 3,950 diaper changes and about 3,160 bottles prepared.  But more importantly, it has been 395 days to saying yes to sweet smiles and kisses, beautiful new noises from a little curious personality, endless giggles, little arms that reach out for a hug and a joy that I never knew existed. 395 days of feeling the fulfillment of who God made me to be.


Many of you may not know, but the month of May is Foster Care Month. I am a happy foster mama to a beautiful 13-month-old baby boy. You may think what does fostering have to do with a Running Camp blog? Well, let me tell you.


All my years of running, building endurance, perseverance, patience through injury, etc., have embedded in me a beautiful foundation for how my faith has been tested day in and day out this last year. There have been feelings in my heart and my soul that perhaps went into a season of hibernation/stagnation. This past year has definitely been a season of Springlike growth. Things have been blooming and growing in my heart that can only point to the faithfulness of God.

I believe we will share a commonality in this blog for just how faith-challenging and faith-building life can be. I am excited to encourage and challenge our hearts together! 


#1 Don’t worry about tomorrow (a lot easier said than done)


I’ve been challenged this year to take one day at a time, not giving thought to tomorrow or to imagine what life could be like in six months or one year. Have you ever struggled with these kinds of thoughts? I have found great peace taking life one day at a time when it comes to my thoughts and my fears. There is a reason the Bible in Matthew 6:34 states: “Do not worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”


 I find it interesting that the verse preceding verse 34 goes like this: ”But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.” Seek Him first, keep your eyes on Jesus. He knows best and can see the big picture – He sees tomorrow and 6 months down the road & 6 years down the road. He will guide me as I seek Him. Knowing and being in relationship with the Prince of Peace is priceless and life changing. (If you really want our God of peace to rule in your heart, check out Philippians 4:4-9 and make it your mantra.)


#2 God will fight for you


Sometimes I know exactly how I need God to come through, but I can only imagine the numerous times God fights on my behalf and I am unaware of it. He is at work behind the scenes. I love meditating on Deuteronomy 3:33: “Don’t be afraid of them, for the Lord your God fights for you.” And in Psalm 18 “. . . He shields all who take refuge in Him." This makes me recall the Chris Tomlin song," Whom Shall I Fear." I know as the Lord fights for me, He gives me the courage and strength to stand up for truth on a daily basis. 


One practical way I am learning that God really is in control is when I drop my little guy off for his unsupervised visits with his biological mom. This is when I especially feel out of control. I know in my head that the Lord watches over all and I am so grateful that He watches over my little guy even when I cannot see him. As I choose not to get emotional, He really does give me peace that passes my understanding. The first time I dropped my little guy off for an unsupervised visit, I went to the grocery store. As I was shopping, I was tempted to start crying, allowing fear to rule over me while allowing my mind to wander. Fortunately, I CHOSE to speak out-loud, “Lord, I trust You. I know You are protecting him.” At that moment, as I chose to trust the Lord and NOT let my emotions lead me – the Lord gave me an abiding peace.


#3 Prayer works


Ok so I know this is not a new revelation for some, nor is it for me – but it has become real for me especially this year. There are days where I can be so overwhelmed, I literally must stop, drop and pray. And this isn’t some kind of a “yeah, yeah I’ll pray about that.” This is a get on my knees and pour my heart out to the Lord kind of moment. These prayers are not just about me, my fears and anxiety. I have come to a better understanding of having communion with the Lord, time dedicated just to Him, of bringing my family and friends before the Lord. It has been incredible to see how He has worked in my life and in others this year.


An example of this truth was when my little guy had an allergic reaction to a cereal. I took him to the allergist and learned he has allergies for a few other foods that could have been life changing. Now I am armed with an EpiPen and knowledge. The Lord definitely has a way of working things out for GOOD.


#4 Living in His strength, not my own


So many people have told me they could never do what I do. My response: I can’t either. There have been days where I wish I could just escape some of the situations I’m in. But, I can’t. I realize I’m right where God wants me to be (I imagine Him smiling down on me as this realization dawns on me) relying 150% completely on Him. Again, in Psalm 18 (love this Psalm – it is my "go to" Psalm when I don’t have words to pray, when I just do not know what to do and where to go) “. . . It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.” Another "go to" verse is Isaiah 40:29: “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” And, yes, Isaiah 41:10, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” 


If you desire for your faith to grow, expect some major challenges. Through the challenges, choose to praise God. We know who wins in the end. We know God is in control and at the end of the day we will be stronger soldiers for Christ.


The Christian walk of faith is not for the faint of heart. We know that joy comes in the morning and that His faithfulness and mercies are new every day. I have found especially this year that as I desire my faith to grow, it takes staying in tune with the Lord. I must be on guard against anything that would make me deviate from His plan. Whether it’s influences from friends, movies that are not God honoring, music that has me meditating on something other than God’s word, I desperately desire to keep the portal between God and me clean and clear to the best of my grace-given ability.


My hope is in the Lord! Even on the days I don’t feel like it, I say out-loud  “My hope is in You Lord.” Call your soul into action. Try it!


These days I find myself living in a tension of relying on God’s strength and living through real life conflict daily. I can say with confidence it is a beautiful place to be WHEN I am trusting the Lord. I feel like I’m really living, not that I wasn’t living before, but I have hit my stride and I am loving life. Does that mean that life is perfect with no conflict, no anxiety, with no fear? No not at all. Actually, all of that is probably at an all-time high. However, I can honestly say my life is the most fulfilling it has ever been.


If you’re not feeling like you’re really living to your full God given potential, what’s holding you back?  Sometimes it’s fear, sometimes it’s lack of a vision, sometimes it’s simply not trusting the Lord. Whatever it is, put it before the Lord today. He already knows. And if you feel the Lord nudging you in a way that is outside of your comfort zone, take a leap of faith. You are right where God wants you to be, relying on Him ALONE. I can tell you that the leap is worth it. The Lord is there to provide, underneath are His everlasting arms and the solid ground beneath your feet.