Author: Zeke Colyer, Jim Ryun Camp Counselor, Student at Messiah University


Book recommendation: Holiness (Modern English Translation) – J.C. Ryle


New fav song: “Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken” - Indelible Grace Music 


Random fun fact: My high school mascot was the “Konkrete Kid” 


Fav podcast: Light and Truth


Social: @zekecolyer

The Sovereign Snow-Maker


For the first time in 3 years, a meaningful amount of snow has accumulated in Pennsylvania. I took the rare opportunity to spend time doing some cross-country skiing, a departure from the habit of running that we share. As I strapped on my boots and clicked into my skis, I was ready for a relaxing time of blazing some new trails in the empty cornfields surrounding my house. However, what greeted me was anything but relaxing. The gentle and consistent snow had turned into freezing rain. What was initially anguish as the freezing rain pelted my eyes turned into a moment of precious awe and wonder. Three truths flooded my mind as I stopped and watched.


1."For by Him all things were created, in Heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities – all things were created through Him and for Him."  – Colossians 1:16 

As we know, “All Things” in English means “All Things.” Each uniquely designed snowflake on the ground was created and commanded to be exactly where it is, thousands and thousands of them every second. Every shimmer of light bouncing between the moon and the snow is put there by God himself. Not only that, it is put there for this purpose; “The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” (Psalm 19:1). Each shimmer and snowflake is there so that the Glory of God can be seen. 



2.Paul continues in Colossians “He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” (1:17)

Not only was everything created so that Christ is seen as supremely glorious, but He holds the world together. Every star, the moon, every tree, every snowflake, molecule of water, even the fingers typing this are held together by Christ. Only by His will is creation sustained. Put literally, Christ is keeping our fingers from flying off! How majestic is our God! 


3.The God who designed each snowflake and holds all of them together “humbled Himself by becoming obedient to death – even death on a cross!” (Philippians 2:8). Jesus Christ saw our state of evil and depravity “but now He has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in His sight, without blemish and free from accusation – if you continue in your faith, established and firm and do not move from the hope held out in the gospel.” (1:21-23). Jesus died a physical death so that we would be made as white as the purest snow and was raised that we would have life in His name to the praise of His glory and grace!


Paul’s words in Colossians seek to show us that in everything, Christ is supreme. The world is His and for Him. 


So, what is there to do? Paul supplies an answer from a similar argument in Romans saying “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship.” (Romans 12:1). The thing to do is worship God. Worship Him by delighting in Him and offering yourself to Him as a living sacrifice! 


Demonstrate with your life, with the things you value, that in all ways Christ is supreme. Run hard to demonstrate, win or lose, that your satisfaction is in Christ. Study with the intention of knowing about the world that Christ holds together. Pay attention to the snowflakes because they too exclaim that Christ is supreme.  


In all things, seek to show that Christ is supreme!